Attention: Clinic Closed Until Further Notice. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding during this time.
Monday - Friday 9AM–7:00PM

Saturday - Sunday 9:30AM–4PM

1409 S. Fern St.

Suite B Arlington, VA 22202

same-day STD testing near Arlington Tag

Same-Day STD Testing Near Arlington VA Puts You on a Road to Speedy Recovery

Most sexually transmitted infections involve unprotected or unnatural sex or sex with multiple partners. It underlines the reason we call these sexually transmitted infections. However, there are other causes of STIs, like sharing needles during substance use, exposure to infected blood through blood transfusion, and contact with infected person's bodily fluids. A Sexually Transmitted Infection is detectable with same-day STD testing near Arlington VA. Testing is the most convenient and...