STD Testing Needs to be Confidential but You Must Also Regulate Your Sex Life
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) infection is essentially the consequence of behavioral issues in individuals especially when it is proven beyond any doubt that the infection spreads through infected individuals. It is true that many STDs are asymptomatic in over 60% of the infected individuals, as a result of which the infected persons don’t know about it. They continue to remain sexually active and spread the disease in their partners and...
Benefits of Comprehensive STD Test in Pentagon City
Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with some or the other sexually transmitted disease. Many millions go undiagnosed because they do not undergo a test. They aren’t aware they are carrying an infection. This is one of the main reasons sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are rampant across the globe, suggest doctors. 2 Reasons people avoid testing Testing facilities exist; but people are reluctant to undergo a test. Most of the times, embarrassment...