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Monday - Friday 9AM–7:00PM

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Why Men Need to be More Careful of Syphilis

Why Men Need to be More Careful of Syphilis

Syphilis is a common bacterial disease transmitted through sexual contact. It is completely curable, if the infected person gets tested and treated on time. When left untreated, syphilis can spread to other vital organs of the body and even prove to be fatal.

Do you know syphilis was once eliminated almost completely in the United States of America? But today, it is rapidly increasing. People affected the most are men who have sex with men (MSM).

Reports show that most syphilis cases in the US are among bisexual people, gay, and MSM. As per Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the last two decades, it is observed that cases of syphilis have shown a steady rise each year.

Get expert medical advice

If you are a man who indulges in sexual activity with other men and want to discuss about the signs of syphilis in men, VA STD clinic is a good place to be. You need no appointment to see a doctor here. In addition, the clinic respects the privacy of its patients. So, you can keep your identity confidential upon request. Talk to the doctor without hesitation and even undergo a test, if needed.

Men who indulge in high-risk sexual behavior such as having sex with other men, having multiple women partners, and so on should undergo STD testing regularly. Please discuss with your doctor about how often you should visit the clinic for a test and what tests you must undergo. Honestly, tell the doctor about your sexual behavior so that he/she can give you the best advice.

Syphilis and HIV infection

People infected with syphilis bacterium are more vulnerable to contracting HIV infection. Sores and inflammation caused by syphilis bacterium make it easier for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to enter the body. If you are HIV+, you may want to know about signs and symptoms of syphilis at the VA clinic.

A meta-analysis conducted in 2020 examined 22 studies that involved 65,232 participants. The examination revealed that incidence of HIV infection doubled in syphilis patients compare to those who did not have syphilis. (Source: BMJ Journals, Epidemiology original research, “Effect of Syphilis Infection on HIV Acquisition: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis.”)

Syphilis and HIV viral load

Do you know syphilis infection can increase HIV viral load?

A study conducted way back in 2012 revealed this. The researchers compared HIV+ men who had no syphilis to HIV+ men who had syphilis (co-infected patients). They found that viral load increased in 27.3 per cent of co-infected patients compared to just 16.6 per cent of patients with only HIV. Interestingly, many of these patients were on retroviral therapy!

It is important to keep a tab on signs of syphilis in men, say VA doctors. This helps to start treatment as early as possible.

Progress of syphilis

A study conducted 10 years ago established the fact that syphilis infection progressed faster in HIV+ people. HIV patients are more vulnerable to getting neurosyphilis.

This is not all. It is also observed that treatment of syphilis is less effective in HIV+ people.


Syphilis, though a curable disease, can take a toll on the health of an HIV+ patient. It can bring a health disaster. That’s why doctors emphasize sexually active people to undergo STD testing at regular intervals to keep a tab on their sexual health.

Please do not ignore signs and symptoms of syphilis and contact VA clinic for more advice. Practice safe sex and be extremely careful when you doubt you are exposed. Consult a doctor as fast as possible and undergo a test. Timely test and treatment can save you from a health catastrophe.

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