Attention: Clinic is closed Temporarily. For Questions and inquiries you can reach us via email: stdexpressclinic@gmail.comm.
Monday - Friday 9AM–7:00PM

Saturday - Sunday 9:30AM–4PM

1409 S. Fern St.

Suite B Arlington, VA 22202


8 Shocking Facts About Herpes Nobody Told You

• As such, herpes virus shows no symptoms. You may find red blisters on your skin. These are painful and can last for 3-14 days. You can suffer from flare-ups several times a year, after which they decrease with time. • You can spread the oral virus, HSV 1, to your genital area and the genital virus, HSV 2, to your mouth through contact. HSV 1 outbreaks are less intense than...

How is STD Test Done for Women?

Do you think you are infected with some STD? A test is the only way to find out whether you are infected. Tests for males and females are same in most cases, but in females, a pelvic exam is recommended to rule out any infection in the reproductive system. ...

STD Prevention Measures for Gays and Other MSM

MSM or men who have sex with men are described as bisexual or gay. They may have straight or heterosexual experiences too. While they comprise a small percentage of those exposed to the risk of HIV/AIDS infection, they too have equal rights to the STD prevention programs and policies of the government and other approved agencies affiliated to the relevant departments responsible for such tasks. ...