Attention: Clinic is closed Temporarily. For Questions and inquiries you can reach us via email: stdexpressclinic@gmail.comm.
Monday - Friday 9AM–7:00PM

Saturday - Sunday 9:30AM–4PM

1409 S. Fern St.

Suite B Arlington, VA 22202

Author: expressusr

All You Wanted to Know About Chlamydia Screening Test

There is nothing to be afraid of while undergoing chlamydia test. At times it is as simple as collecting a urine sample. In other cases, the doctor may swipe the area at your genitals to collect a swab sample. Both ways, the test is painless. You might find a bit embarrassing to let the doctor touch your private part, but rest assured, it is just a matter of seconds before...

Important Things to Know About HIV Symptoms like Rash

Rash is a common sign of HIV. It can happen at the earliest stage (acute stage) or later stage when you are on medication. HIV rash can be purplish or red in color and itchy. It may or may not be painful. It can occur on the hands and the feet, on the face, neck, or upper part of the body. See a doctor without delay You must not ignore early stage...

Things You Wanted to Know About STDs and Quick STD Test

If you are looking for an FDA-approved facility for STD testing, then you must step inside Arlington’s STD clinic, which is centrally located for easy accessibility. Here are a few salient features of the clinic that makes it a more preferred choice for people. Salient features of Arlington STD clinic • The clinic offers same day testing and treatment• No appointment is required. You can walk in and ask for a test.•...

Quick Guide to HIV Testing, Viral Suppression, & First Sign

What is the virus that attacks the T-cells of your immune system and destroys them forever? It is HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). It is one of the most prevalent infections in the world and is incurable. Once the virus enters your body, it stays for life. HIV, when left untreated, progresses to become AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). This is when a patient has a damaged immune system, which leaves his/her...

Have a New Sex Partner? Read This First

If you are in a new relationship and just want to make sure you and your partner are healthy, you can simply walk in the nearest STD clinic and undergo a test. The best part of being here is that you can do the billing anonymously. This saves you from embarrassment. The clinic is equipped with the latest testing equipment that gives you a painless, quick, and comfortable testing process. It...

Four Stages of Syphilis: Signs and Symptoms

Syphilis is a highly prevalent sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States. Caused by Treponema pallidum, which is a spirochete bacterium, this disease is completely curable; but due to ignorance and shyness of people to undergo a test, the disease may progress to its later stages, producing disastrous health consequences. Doctors have classified syphilis infection into four stages: • Primary• Secondary• Latent• Tertiary Catching syphilis early In context of signs of syphilis in...

If You are Health Conscious, You Can’t Miss This

You may have a heart disease or a stomach infection; you can safely talk about this to your family or friends or maybe your neighbors too. But get a sexually transmitted infection and you cannot talk about it to anybody. In fact, you fear that somebody might know about it. Such is the social stigma attached to STDs. Talk about an infection ‘down there’ and you are faced with raised...

STD Testing For Men – Here’s Everything You Wanted To Know About It

If you are a sexually active man – especially with multiple partners – your chances of getting infected with STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) or STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are high. The best way to protect your health and detect such diseases on time is to get tested on a regular basis at your nearest urgent care clinic. Why get tested? Do you know why getting tested is crucial? It is because you...

Let’s Get Out of the HIV Social Stigma, Shall We?

STDs are rampant across the world. The United States, alone, has millions of infected people with one or more than one infections. Many of them are unaware they are infected! This is because most STDs do not produce symptoms. Even if they do, the symptoms are similar to common daily ailments and people think it’s just a mild illness that can go away after a simple treatment. This is the case...

Why the First Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis are Important

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum. The disease is completely curable; however, there are cases wherein the patient gets into such a serious condition that it eventually leads to his/her death. Why is that so? This is because the disease begins with a harmless looking sore, which is painless and heals by itself; and, as doctors put it, it is this ‘unimportant’ symptom that people ignore and...