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Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Gonorrhea and Syphilis Infections

Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Gonorrhea and Syphilis Infections

The very mention of a sexually transmitted disease can be devastating if you have been frequently indulging in unprotected sex with strangers. Although AIDS continues to be the most dreaded disease in this category, it can be caused due to a number of factors other than transmission through sexual route.

If you are referring to specific examples of STD, gonorrhea and syphilis have been considered to be the most serious infections affecting millions of people across the globe for centuries irrespective of race or gender.

Routes and causes of exchange

The term STD itself offers a clear understanding of the way syphilis or any other similar disease is transferred from one infected person to other healthy person. One needs to come in actual physical contact with the infected organ such as anus, vagina, penis, or even mouth to get the disease. It doesn’t spread through air as in case of common cold or tuberculosis.

It is observed that a majority of men enjoy unprotected sex in order to derive maximum pleasure but by doing so they are seriously compromising the safety of both the partners. Use of condom is a must if one is involved in sex with unknown person or is having sexual relationship with multiple partners. This also applies to transgender people who are used to having sex via anal or oral routes. 

Signs and symptoms of STD

Since we are focusing on gonorrhea and syphilis and that fact that both these diseases present with different signs and symptoms, it would be better to understand these individually.

The commonest symptom of gonorrhea is pain and burning sensation during urination. In men, it can also cause the testicles to swell and lead to penile discharge which may be greenish or yellowish in color. Females complain of vaginal bleeding between menstrual cycles and painful urination.

Symptoms of gonorrhea can vary depending upon the site of infection such as anus or hands. In few cases, a person may not present with any classical symptoms despite being infected.

Syphilis disease is highlighted by three stages as the disease progresses if left untreated. The first stage involves small boils that can spread and assume a larger size in the second stage. The third stage is termed as tertiary syphilis and presents life-threatening symptoms that can involve the brain and neurological system of the infected person.

Diagnosis and treatment of STD

Before the discovery of antibiotic penicillin, there was no treatment for STD. These infections were considered to be killer diseases that claimed millions of lives across the world.

Thanks to advances in medical science, there are a plethora of pathological lab tests and treatment options available for early diagnosis and assured treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

However, the most important advice to all sexually active individuals is to practice abstinence, use effective measures for prevention of STD, and stick to a single partner. One should remember that being loyal to your partner has its own advantages. If you are involved in sex with an unknown person and are afraid of contacting a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea and syphilis, you should not waste time and immediately see a qualified medical practitioner for advice.

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