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8 Unexpected Ways You Can Get STD

8 Unexpected Ways You Can Get STD

Think of STDs and you think of unprotected sex, sharing needles, blood transfusion, breastfeeding, and homosexual relations. Of course, these are the biggest risk factors of getting sexually transmitted diseases.

Do you know there are other completely unexpected factors that can expose you to the risk of STDs? And you thought it was simple to stay away from STDs – use condoms, don’t share needles, get yourselves tested regularly, and others.

Strange ways you can get STDs

1. You have a history of STD

If you have had STD earlier, you are at a greater risk of getting HIV, syphilis, and herpes simplex 2.

2. You lost your virginity at a younger age, probably before 20

This may sound orthodox, but our grandmothers were right when they said not to lose virginity before marriage. The younger you lose it, the more active you are sexually…giving room for multiple sexual partners…and more partners means more risk for STDs. Moreover, you are less likely to be educated about things like protection and stuff at a younger age.

Do you know the US alone reports about 20 million STD cases every year? About half of them are between 15 and 24 years of age. One of the reasons, say experts, is that younger people are immature and uneducated about safe sex. Some just don’t want to play it safe, as they are ignorant about the dangers and want to experiment. Also, a report by Centers for Disease Prevention and Cure (CDC) suggests that younger girls are more vulnerable to physical abuse in many areas, making them easy targets for STDs.

3. Doing it with older men

This may sound ridiculous, but older men show a no-negotiation tendency when it comes to practicing safe sex. If they hate condoms, they won’t wear it. Period. This puts their sexual partner at greater risk of contracting STD.

4. Being a sex worker, especially before 20years of age

For a sex worker it is a part of their jobs to have multiple sexual partners. The more the better for them moneywise. However, a research shows that girls below 20 are at a greater risk of getting STDs than their 20+ counterparts. Young girls may not be insistent enough to make their “customers” wear condoms. They may also be victims of sexual violence as part of their jobs. This usually happens in countries where prostitution is illegal.

5. Your peer group influences your sexual health

It is said, “birds of the same feather flock together.” The way your friends behave influences your behavior too to a large extent, say psychologists. So, if your friends practice safe sex, you are more likely to follow suit.

6. Shaving off pubic hair

A recent study published in Sexually Transmitted Infections shows that grooming down south doubles your risk of contracting STI. There is a reason why Mother Nature gave you dense hair in that area. Hair act as shield and make it tough for microbes to enter your vagina. Shaving or waxing pubic hair may tear your skin, giving more chance for microbes to enter you. If you must groom, then at least avoid having sex for a few days after grooming.

7. Douching

This is an unnecessary activity, say health experts, and harmful too. A study shows that ladies who douche regularly have a staggering 84 per cent risk of getting STI! Douching, say doctors, removes healthy bacteria from your vagina. It may push harmful microbes upward to the uterus. This may cause Chlamydia or gonorrhea in your uterus. It can also lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. The best way to keep your vaginal area clean is to wash it with plain water and mild soap on the skin surface above. Mother Nature has equipped your vagina to keep itself clean from the inside naturally.

8. Dry vagina

With age, natural vaginal lubrication may decrease. This may lead to dryness in vagina. It may cause skin tearing, making you vulnerable to STIs. Having sex with a dry vagina not only increases discomfort, but also increases chances of the condom breaking. So, use safe lubricants before making it out.

Protect yourselves from STIs and STDs by playing it safe, avoiding experimentations with your sexual life, and letting your private parts be as natural as possible. Make smart choices. Stay safe. Stay happy.

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