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Monday - Friday 9AM–7:00PM

Saturday - Sunday 9:30AM–4PM

1409 S. Fern St.

Suite B Arlington, VA 22202

Looking For Discreet HIV Testing? Here The Perfect Option For You!

Looking For Discreet HIV Testing? Here The Perfect Option For You!

HIV is one among those sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that can be extremely distressing for those who are affected. In addition to the stigma, embarrassment and discomfort, these individuals are also at high risk of developing an array of health complications ranging from infertility to developing other STIs. Ignoring the symptoms and hesitating to seek quality treatment can lead to long-term health risks such as AIDS.

Getting started with seeking medical attention

Although most people do not experience symptoms, others may notice specific symptoms that do not indicate anything commonplace. In case you experience symptoms, the right thing to do is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. of course, you always have the conventional option of visiting your regular physician or gynecologist. However, if you are keen on seeking quality medical care with assured privacy and confidentiality, you must definitely explore another option – urgent care clinics.

Just as the name suggests, urgent care clinics have been designed to cater to the healthcare needs of individuals who require immediate attention for their illnesses or injuries. Considering the prompt service, reliability and affordability of these facilities, urgent care clinics are also ideal places to get tested for HIV in Arlington. Read on to learn more about these clinics.

Benefits of choosing urgent care clinics

Have you noticed how urgent care clinics are mushrooming in all major areas these days? And going by the popularity of these clinics, it is obvious that there are valid reasons that make these facilities the perfect option for Arlington quick STD test. Here is a look at some of the benefits of choosing urgent care clinics:

Prompt service: This is one aspect you can almost never expect from traditional healthcare providers that keep you waiting for hours for a consultation. At urgent care clinics, you can walk in without an appointment and consult a doctor in a matter of minutes.

Assured confidentiality: Due to the embarrassment associated with STIs, it is not surprising that people prefer to keep things confidential. At most urgent care clinics, you do not even have to provide your real name to get tested for HIV in Arlington. And the results will not be available to anyone except you.

Quick screening and diagnosis: Urgent care clinics are equipped with advanced facilities to conduct STI screening tests. Thanks to the superior lab facilities, diagnosis does not take too long. Most clinics offer test results on the same day so that you can immediately get started with treatment in case you test positive.

Reliable treatment: Urgent care clinics feature qualified and experienced doctors who will design the perfect treatment plan based on the specific condition of each patient. The doctors will regularly monitor the health of patients and make necessary changes to the treatment plan.

Unbelievably affordable: Did you know that healthcare and treatment costs in urgent care clinics are considerably lower than what is charged by hospitals? As a result, these clinics are excellent options if you are keen on affordability without compromising on the healthcare quality. Most clinics accept a range of insurance plans, making it easier for patients to access care when they need it most.

Making the right choice for everyone involved

Remember that getting tested for STIs like HIV is a positive step towards good health not just for you, but for your partner as well. Once you walk in for Arlington quick STD test and get a confirmation of your infection, it is an opportunity to receive treatment and return to your normal self as soon as possible. If you test positive, it is important to urge your partner to get tested as well. The sooner you seek medical attention; the better will be your chances of recovery.

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