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All You Wanted to Know About Chlamydia Screening Test

All You Wanted to Know About Chlamydia Screening Test

There is nothing to be afraid of while undergoing chlamydia test. At times it is as simple as collecting a urine sample. In other cases, the doctor may swipe the area at your genitals to collect a swab sample. Both ways, the test is painless. You might find a bit embarrassing to let the doctor touch your private part, but rest assured, it is just a matter of seconds before the doctor collects the swab and puts it in a petri dish.

Where to undergo a test?

In Virginia, Chlamydia screening test is available at your nearest clinic. The best part is that you can undergo testing and do the billing anonymously if you wish to. The clinic respects their patients’ privacy and would not coerce you to reveal your true identity.

Fighting those awkward feelings

You may feel awkward entering the clinic for STD test. But as you step inside, the ambience of the clinic will tell you that this isn’t a typical hospital setup. It is different. The well-cleaned and comfortable looking place is where you can get urgent medical care, quality advice on health, and quick tests.

Most of your awkwardness vanishes after entering the clinic. The rest goes away when you talk to the doctor or staff there.

What to talk about with the doctor?

You must tell the doctor about any symptoms of chlamydia, such as pain during sex or urination, abnormal discharge from vagina or discharge from penis, or lower abdominal pain.

Most of the times, chlamydia infection shows no symptoms. So, you mustn’t wait for them. As soon as you have unprotected sex, you must consult a doctor or simply visit Virginia clinic for Chlamydia screening test.

If you are unsure whether you must undergo chlamydia test or any other STD test, please talk to the doctor about it. In this case, you must open up with the doctor regarding your sexual life. This will help the doctor give you the right advice. Many times, doctors advise people to undergo both chlamydia and gonorrhea tests. Both are commonest bacteria STDs.

Chlamydia is curable, so worry not

Chlamydia is a curable STD. So, even if your test results are positive, please do not panic. Virginia clinic offers testing and treatment on the same day. The doctor will put you on a course of antibiotic.

Please follow the doctor’s instructions properly, take medications without skipping a dose, and abstain from sex until you are completely cured.

Doctors generally recommend undergoing a re-test after three months of completing the treatment. This is to ensure you are not re-infected, which is a common phenomenon.

Testing is the only way

When it comes to STDs, testing is the only surefire way to confirm your sexual health. In Arlington, chlamydia screening is available at affordable rates. Visit any day of the week and undergo a test. You can also avail yourselves STD testing packages.

Please do not assume you are healthy or infected. Don’t rely on your friends’ advices either. Most of them will convince you that you need no test. However, the opposite is true. All sexually active people must undergo tests once in a while to assure they are healthy, say doctors.

This holds particularly true, if you often have unprotected sex. STDs are widespread. You may never know when you contracted one.

According to doctors, in the wake of widespread STDs, it is unwise to have unprotected sex. Even if you did, it is worse to avoid a test.

Step inside your nearest clinic in Virginia for chlamydia screening test. Don’t forget to bring your partner along. Both of you must ensure your sexual health to prevent re-infection and lead a healthy sex life.

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