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Rash is Not Always a Skin Condition; It Could be HIV Symptom!

Arlington HIV screening test, early stage HIV symptoms rash

Rash is Not Always a Skin Condition; It Could be HIV Symptom!

Everybody knows about HIV. People know how deadly this virus can be. HIV/AIDS is a silent pandemic brewing in the world. Yet, people often believe it won’t happen to them. This is something that happens to other people.

How many of you have undergone HIV test? CDC recommends every sexually active person to undergo HIV test atleast once in their lifetime.

Are you sure you are fine?

According to doctors, when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, you feel fine doesn’t mean you are fine. This is because most STDs are asymptomatic. Viruses and bacteria of certain STDs, such as HIV, lurk inside your body for decades.

In case of HIV, a person may get early stage HIV symptoms like rash. This goes away through normal medication. Then, the person stays fine and healthy for years. He or she may not even be aware that the rash was a symptom of HIV! Then, years later, the person experiences worse symptoms.

STDs can be that deceptive!

That’s the reason doctors recommend undergoing a test, if you are sexually active. This can save you from horrible complications later in life.

Common feature of STDs

One of the common things about most STDs is that they show early stage symptoms. But often, they are too mild or too common to believe it could be a sexually transmitted infection.

Like the earlier example of rash, which is one of the earliest symptoms of HIV, many other STDs also show such other symptoms. People often mistake them to be some other disease or condition.

What would you think of a rash? A skin condition, of course! Would you think it to be a symptom of HIV? Hardly!

However, in Arlington, HIV screening test can reveal whether your rash is just a skin condition, or a symptom of HIV.

But for this, you must be aware of your sexual health. You must take responsibility and act wisely. If you believe you are exposed, you mustn’t continue living life as if nothing has happened. Visit the clinic and ask for a test. Ensure your sexual health. This way, you also ensure your partner’s sexual health.

This is not all. If you are infected, you could infect your future baby. Just one sexual act can spread HIV infection. And then it may spread from infected mother to baby. When the baby grows and engages in sexual activity, he or she may spread the infection to their partner.

One virus – many generations.

Let’s not make it scarier than this, right?

Whether you get early stage HIV symptoms like rash or not, if you think you are exposed, please walk in your nearest STD clinic and undergo a test.

A single incident of unprotected sex can also put you at risk of exposure. If you have had one such incident anytime in life, it is wise to undergo HIV screening and rule out the possibility of an infection.

You need no appointment to undergo a test. Simply walk in any day of the week and also on extended hours.

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