Attention: Clinic Closed Until Further Notice. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding during this time.
Monday - Friday 9AM–7:00PM

Saturday - Sunday 9:30AM–4PM

1409 S. Fern St.

Suite B Arlington, VA 22202

Author: expressusr

signs of syphilis in men VA

Failure to Notice signs of Syphilis in Men VA is a Fatal Mistake

Infections caused due to unprotected sex are known as STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. Thanks to the advances in medical science, these infections can be successfully cured with the help of antibiotics and other medicines. Individuals may not know that they are suffering from an STD infection, unless an appropriate STD test is performed. This is because STD infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, or chlamydia do not present any symptoms especially...

Coronavirus Vaccine and STD Testing: Why Both are Important

The world is witnessing the largest vaccine campaign in the history of mankind – Coronavirus vaccine. As per a news report, by Jan 5, 2021, Americans received around 21 million doses of the much-awaited vaccine. It’s a long way to go, say doctors. At the same time, doctors at the STD clinic wish that, some day, there would be a vaccine against some of the deadliest sexually transmitted diseases. Certain STDs like...

cheap STD testing, Arlington

HSV-1 and HSV-2 Testing For Early Detection and Treatment of Herpes Virus

Herpes Simplex often referred to as Herpes are viruses that can spread from one individual to another through sexual contact. There are two types of herpes viruses – Herpes Type 1 or HSV-1 and Herpes Type 2 or HSV-2. The former affects the oral cavity while the latter affects the genitals. How Herpes is Transmitted HSV-1 is transmitted through oral secretions or skin sores by acts such as sharing objects like utensils...

Arlington trichomoniasis test at home

Do Not Ignore Even During This Pandemic – Timely Diagnosis & Treatment Of STD Is Essential

Perhaps for the first time after several years, the rates of syphilis, gonorrhea, and other sexually transmitted infections are seeing a sharp drop. The numbers were slated to hit a record high in 2020, so this abrupt downturn may surprise many. Is this really welcome news? Has the Covid-19 pandemic kept people away from nightclubs, bars, and get-togethers and reduced the opportunities for unsafe sex? But the drop in numbers could be portent of...

cheap STD testing

5 Top Reasons People Do Not Undergo STD Testing

STDs are prevalent across the world. Yet, innumerable people refrain from getting themselves tested. They think, “this won’t happen to me.” Or they may wait for symptoms. They believe they are fine when they see no symptoms. Governments and organizations worldwide are busy creating awareness campaigns that educate people about the realities of STDs. One of them is: STDs can be asymptomatic. Another one is: STD testing is not costly. Most people avoid testing...

cheap STD testing, Arlington

Benefits of Walk-in Clinics for HSV1 and HSV2 Testing in Arlington VA

Sexually transmitted diseases are the most severe infections that are spread through unprotected sex. Gonorrhea, syphilis, and herpes belong to this category of infections and one must ideally exercise the utmost precautions by taking preventive measures to stay away from hazards of STIs. Herpes is caused by a virus known as Herpes Simplex Virus. Laboratory investigations for HSV1 and HSV2 testing in Arlington VA provide insights for specific diagnosis of the...

same day STD testing near Arlington VA

Same day STD Testing near Arlington VA Guarantees Faster Recovery

The need for immediate diagnosis is one of the most vital highlights of STD treatment. An early diagnosis of a sexually transmittable infection is a must for faster recovery without any complications. Importance of lab testing in STIs If there is a history of unprotected sex with a stranger or sex with multiple partners, a same day STD testing near Arlington VA would pave the way for faster diagnosis and treatment. If...

free hiv testing near me

A Short Guide to HIV/AIDS & Why You Must Undergo HIV Testing

In 2020, the novel Coronavirus attacked the world, killing millions. Go back to 1981, the novel retrovirus attacked a major part of the world, killing millions. A popular gay newspaper screamed, “an exotic new disease.” Today, we know it as HIV/AIDS. WHO had declared it a global epidemic in 1981. There was no name for it then. The press named it GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency), as it seemed to attack only the...

Arlington get tested for trichomoniasis

Shake Off the Stigma – Get Tested For STD As Early As Possible

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, getting tested is an absolute necessity to safeguard your health. In these days of sexual freedom, it makes sense to honestly speak with your doctor about your sexual history and ask his/her opinion. If you feel uncomfortable speaking with your doctor, you can visit several clinics that offer confidential and free STD testing. In Arlington Full Panel STD test is available at certain clinics. A full...

STD testing in Arlington VA, STD testing near Pentagon City

Significance of Visiting an Urgent care STD Testing Clinic

The popularity of immediate care clinics can be attributed to a number of factors such as quick and reliable healthcare services and easily accessible locations, among others. In fact, most of these facilities have extended their services to include physicals, vaccinations, and pathological or investigation facilities, to name a few. Benefits of urgent care STD clinics If you are contemplating a visit to a medical office for diagnosis and treatment of sexually...